More than just a clothing brand, étant is focused on cultivating a community, one where each can come just as they are. With our presence both online and offline, we're dedicated to being a constant reminder that beauty is in every aspect of the imperfect. We are committed to questioning and eliminating the westernized concept of idolizing an unachievable and unnatural perfection, and instead, focused on finding our joy and worth in what is real. Our collections are created to be an extension of that; apparel that's designed with ease and simplicity in mind, helping you slow down and be part of the right now. To feel love for our aging hair and the soft lines by our eyes when we smile. To cook from intuition, to inhale the smells and savour the textures as it enters our mouths. To discover the beauty in our home, the cracks on a vase as it withers, the fading of a favourite old sweater. To notice the poetic story of a handmade clay pot, an asymmetrical vegetable, the rain’s melody as you let go of a “perfect” sunny day. To witness the beauty that is hidden right in front of our eyes. Abandoning perfection and accepting the world and ourselves as imperfect, unfinished, and fleeting. To live a life where we truly believe there is no failing and only living. We want more than anything for our clothing to embody our beliefs. To give you a sense of simplicity each time you wear them and to be part of your daily living; forming to you imperfectly.